The purpose of the event is to demonstrate the possibilities of contemporary art in comprehending the processes that are taking place in modern society. Provide a context for discussing the changes taking place in the city. Support the workers of contemporary art of Uzbekistan. Attracting the general public to the contemporary art process in the city.
At the heart of the idea is a large-scale event in the cultural life of Berlin - the 48h Neukölln Festival (48hNK), which since 1999 has become a place for experiments. Every year, for two days, exhibitions, concerts, parties, lectures, theatrical performances and installations are held in this area.
In September 2019, a conceptually closely related 48h NK festival "48hours Novosibirsk" was held in Novosibirsk.
Festival "48 Hours Tashkent" is a new format in the cultural life of Tashkent. From 24 to 26 September, it will bring together several art venues, public spaces and figures from various forms of contemporary art. The festival focuses not on traditional conventional exhibitions, but on an immersive, participatory approach designed for the involvement and presence of the viewer, his interaction with artists and their works. The upcoming event will feature individual, group and curatorial projects related to the theme of the festival, as well as concerts, lectures, master classes.